Subj : Block admin and root access attempts To : nightcrawler From : Digital Man Date : Tue Oct 28 2014 05:37 pm Re: Block admin and root access attempts By: nightcrawler to Digital Man on Tue Oct 28 2014 09:04 pm > Re: Block admin and root access attempts > By: Digital Man to nightcrawler on Mon Oct 27 2014 04:38 pm > > DM> Re: Block admin and root access attempts > DM> By: nightcrawler to All on Sat Oct 25 2014 12:08 am > > >> Hey guys. > > >> Can someone tell me something I can add to my login script that will > >> automatically add Ip's to the IP.can file that try to log in as root > >> or admin. It is becoming a full time job adding all the hack attempt > >> IP's manually. There was some discussion on the Facebook group about > >> this, but wasn't given a definitive answer. Also, I figured it would > >> be more helpful to other Sysops if it was asked and answered on here. > > DM> There's an auto-filtering capability built-into Synchronet. See > DM> "LoginAttemptFilterThreshold" at > DM> for details. > > DM> digital man > > Thanks. > > I set the LoginAttemptFilterThreshold to 3, but doesn't seem to be having > any effect.I've noticed a dozen or more attempts from an IP and it isn't > being added to the ip.can. Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong? > > This is what I have: > > LoginAttemptDelay=5000 > LoginAttemptThrottle=1000 > LoginAttemptHackThreshold=3 > LoginAttemptFilterThreshold=3 That looks fine. Are you getting entries in your data/hack.log for these 3+ consecutive login failures from the same IP? The failed login attempts have to be from the same IP address and consecutive without the BBS being restarted/recycled. digital man Synchronet "Real Fact" #24: The Digital Dynamics company ceased day-to-day opperations in late 1995. Norco, CA WX: 77.0øF, 48.0% humidity, 6 mph SE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs .