Subj : Sprites and scrolling and BINs To : Kirkman From : echicken Date : Fri Jan 09 2015 05:55 pm Re: Sprites and scrolling and BINs By: Kirkman to All on Fri Jan 09 2015 15:00:36 Ki> But I still don't understand the color values stored by Ki>[x][y].attr. In my case, I'm using green as the mask. What I Ki> have found is that if I load an ANSI image into the frame, the .attr for Ki> green characters is usually "2". But if I load the same image in BIN Ki> format, suddenly the green characters are "514." Why should these numbers Ki> be different? I don't get it. I see that MCMLXXIX has already responded, but just thought I'd add a note: If you look in sbbsdefs.js where the attributes are defined, you'll see, among others: GREEN = 2; BG_BLACK = 0x200; If you OR the values of GREEN and BG_BLACK: var attr = 0x200|2; You will find that attr == 514. When you load a .ans into a frame, it likely contains sequences intended to change the terminal's current colour attributes. When Frame is parsing a .ans, it keeps track of what the current attributes are, so they carry over from one cell to the next. However in a .bin file, each character is paired with an attribute, and Frame should (arguably) be setting the attribute of each cell to the value read from the file. Evidently it doesn't do this, and the default attribute for the frame is being applied (as MCMLXXIX explained.) This may be by design, perhaps it's necessary for transparency or helpful in some other situation. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230 þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .