Subj : Posting a message with messagebase open To : Nightfox From : Psi-Jack Date : Sat Jul 11 2015 09:19 pm Re: Posting a message with messagebase open By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Sat Jul 11 2015 02:17 pm Ni> While using my message reader (written in JavaScript), I've noticed that Ni> if it has a sub-board open with a MessageBase object and lets the user Ni> post a message in that sub-board, in Linux, the MessageBase object doesn't Ni> seem to get updated with the number of messages in the sub-board. In Yeah.. I've noticed this as well.. Along with, and it's not at all consistent, sometimes when posting a message it just crashes and hangs up, without ever posting the message, and I don't think this is a SlyEdit issue either as it happends just after the save occurs and only then. Also, Synchronet 3.16 on Linux from CVS builds. )))[Psi-Jack -//- Decker] .... Mistrust first impulses, they are always good. --- þ Synchronet þ Decker's Heaven -//- .