Subj : Posting a message with messagebase open To : Psi-Jack From : Nightfox Date : Sun Jul 12 2015 01:50 pm Re: Posting a message with messagebase open By: Psi-Jack to Nightfox on Sun Jul 12 2015 16:26:53 Ps> I'm currently testing an idea of actually running Synchronet on CentOS 7, Ps> and so far, after grinding thoroughly through building custom RPMs for Ps> DOSEMU, BinkD, and Husky Tools, the main software needed for my full Ps> setup, I am actually coming up with astonishing results. That's cool. CentOS is definitely a fairly good & stable server OS (since it's based on RedHat). I'm currently running Mint Linux on my BBS machine (although my BBS is running in a Windows XP VM), but I've considered possibly switching my BBS over to Linux at some point. Mint Linux seems to work well for Synchronet so far, but I had considered CentOS too. Ps> I even went above and beyond and made a DOS door maintenance script that Ps> would parallel run through each door that was configured in the script to Ps> allow running 2+ dosemu sessions at the same time one for each door, and Ps> tracking of each one. Ps> Unfortunately the one limitation was: I ended up using 4DOS 8.00 Ps> (Freeware), to get proper logging done. I could never get FreeDOS's Ps> to allow me to capture the date and time into a variable to Ps> output to a logfile, but this allows me now to track that each door Ps> actually ran to completion, and not aborted out in a DOSEMU crash. :D I'm not sure I'd consider 4DOS a limitation, since (I believe) it's fully compatible with It's cool to hear that 4DOS is now freeware. I used to use 4DOS in the early 90s, when DOS was my primary OS, and I thought it provided some useful enhancements over the included with MS-DOS. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .