Subj : Posting a message with messagebase open To : Nightfox From : Psi-Jack Date : Sun Jul 12 2015 11:16 pm Re: Posting a message with messagebase open By: Nightfox to Psi-Jack on Sun Jul 12 2015 01:50 pm Ps>> I'm currently testing an idea of actually running Synchronet on Ps>> CentOS 7, and so far, after grinding thoroughly through building Ps>> custom RPMs for DOSEMU, BinkD, and Husky Tools, the main software Ps>> needed for my full setup, I am actually coming up with astonishing Ps>> results. Ni> That's cool. CentOS is definitely a fairly good & stable server OS (since Ni> it's based on RedHat). I'm currently running Mint Linux on my BBS machine Ni> (although my BBS is running in a Windows XP VM), but I've considered Ni> possibly switching my BBS over to Linux at some point. Mint Linux seems to Ni> work well for Synchronet so far, but I had considered CentOS too. Heh yeah. I've used Debian & Ubuntu, but DOSEMU on both of those would go wonky after a few days. Still don't know actual root cause, but just oddities that were major abnormalities. My CentOS 7 system I'm testing out now, and looking to migrate my BBS to, since it's so easy to move Synchronet around when needed. Mostly I'm just trying to get away from Arch/Manjaro fully because I don't want to maintain my in-house repo for them anymore, and that becomes a sticky situation when it continues to be updated all the time. Ps>> I even went above and beyond and made a DOS door maintenance script Ps>> that would parallel run through each door that was configured in the Ps>> script to allow running 2+ dosemu sessions at the same time one for Ps>> each door, and tracking of each one. Ps>> Unfortunately the one limitation was: I ended up using 4DOS 8.00 Ps>> (Freeware), to get proper logging done. I could never get FreeDOS's Ps>> to allow me to capture the date and time into a variable Ps>> to output to a logfile, but this allows me now to track that each Ps>> door actually ran to completion, and not aborted out in a DOSEMU Ps>> crash. :D Ni> I'm not sure I'd consider 4DOS a limitation, since (I believe) it's fully Ni> compatible with It's cool to hear that 4DOS is now freeware. Ni> I used to use 4DOS in the early 90s, when DOS was my primary OS, and I Ni> thought it provided some useful enhancements over the included Ni> with MS-DOS. I agree, but also think a limitation only because you /HAVE/ to go download 4DOS, install it, and move it to the DOSEMU Z drive afterwards, in order to use my system. But yeah, otherwise, 4DOS is awesome. Now freeware, makes it so much more awesome. The simple fact that %_DATE and %_TIME existed in 4DOS but not FreeDOS's just makes me go hmmmm... FOR in FreeDOS doesn't even have /F, or any of the switches MS-DOS's FOR had. :/ The only way, with pure MS-DOS, to extract the date and time into usable variables was to get a third party DOS program, from GNU, sed, and awk, just to export the date to a file and read it back in then delete the file. Horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE. ;) I tried CentOS before, since I'm a big user of it, and prefer RPM over any other package format. But, with no tools and little current knowledge at the time of what I'd need in order to run my BBS sanely and fully.. I opted to use something that already had it all. Now that I'm well enough beyond that, I was able to build all the RPMs myself, so now, CentOS 7 definitely has potential. And as you say, it's rock solid as a server. I wanted to get it on CentOS because most of my other VM's are already CentOS, and I wanted to be able to manage it with Chef like I do everything else. And because Manjaro and Arch both, no matter than acpid was running, they would not shutdown when kvm sent the ACPI signal to shut down, so many times they got forced offline uncleanly. I think by the end of this coming week, I'll have my BBS moved over to CentOS 7 fully, and nearly transparently, and sadly even better setup than before, since I'm taking the time to make things work simply better. )))[Psi-Jack -//- Decker] .... I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. --- þ Synchronet þ Decker's Heaven -//- .