Subj : Posting a message with messagebase open To : Psi-Jack From : Nightfox Date : Fri Jul 17 2015 02:47 pm > > The way I'm currently testing this theory is sadly by using NetRunner. I > > hate this particular terminal app because it's so slow and clunky, and > > doesn't even support rlogin or ssh like I usually use. heh. And it's > > slow, even over LAN. > > So far, though, using NetRunner, I have yet to see a single disconnect, > > but I'm going to continue using it for the rest of this week to see. > And you could try different protocols in SyncTERM (e.g. Telnet instead of > SSH). That reminds me, several years ago I noticed that when I was connected to my BBS via SSH (using SyncTerm), I would get disconnected from my BBS after some amount of time. It didn't seem to be related to posting messages or anything in particular. But I noticed that seemed to be fixed in more recent builds of Synchronet/SyncTerm. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .