Subj : JavaScript for Files /in/ Directory? To : echicken From : Psi-Jack Date : Fri Dec 13 1901 12:45 pm Re: JavaScript for Files /in/ Directory? By: echicken to Psi-Jack on Fri Aug 21 2015 12:34 pm Ps>> I see javascript classes for each library, and directory itself, but Ps>> I do not see any classes for actual files/details within the actual directory. Ps>> Is there any way to actually get that information, as one thing I Ps>> would like to do is completely customize the file listings Ps>> themselves. Preferring, of course, not to have to use JavaScript to Ps>> try to parse the database files directly. ec> I recently committed exec/load/filedir.js to the CVS, which will take care ec> of this for you. ec> Create an instance of FileDir like so: Very awesome. I will be checking this out when I have some spare time to look into this. But, sounds pretty useful and I'll definitely be putting some rounds into it :) )))[Psi-Jack -//- Decker] .... Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat, though. --- þ Synchronet þ Decker's Heaven -//- .