Subj : Network messsage information missing To : Accession From : Nightfox Date : Sat Oct 17 2015 11:12 pm Re: Network messsage information missing By: Accession to Nightfox on Sat Oct 17 2015 16:52:11 Ni>> I was looking at the header information provided for some of my Ni>> FidoNet messages, via JavaScript, and it seems there are some pieces Ni>> of information that are not provided - For example, seen-by, via Ni>> path, CHRS (character set?), and codepage. I've heard from other Ni>> sysops that GoldEd+ shows that information for the messages.. Would Ni>> Synchronet be able to provide those fields in the message headers in Ni>> JavaScript? Ac> For the record, as is your message reader, Golded's kludge lines are Ac> toggleable. Where Slyedit you're able to press "K" or "H" or whatever, Ac> Golded is ALT-V. The only difference is that Golded displays them right in Ac> the message as they were when the message arrived (and removes them with Ac> another ALT-V), rather than Slyedit displaying a separate page of only the Ac> kludges. SlyEdit does not display kludge lines - That's my message reader that does that. I was curious about this because there seem to be a few kludge line information fields that Synchronet doesn't seem to make available in JavaScript (but seem to be accessible by GoldEd+). Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .