Subj : Network messsage information missing To : Nightfox From : Accession Date : Sun Oct 18 2015 09:35 am Ni> SlyEdit does not display kludge lines - That's my message reader that does Ni> that. LOL. I think you've witnessed that is not the first time I've mixed up the two names. :) Using the two together (DDMR and Slyedit) is basically like using one all-in-one package like Golded (but within the BBS). Probably why I keep calling one the other and vise versa. Ni> I was curious about this because there seem to be a few kludge line Ni> information fields that Synchronet doesn't seem to make available in Ni> JavaScript (but seem to be accessible by GoldEd+). Definitely. Glad to see you ask about them. The more you can include to be viewable, the more information can be seen about a message. I can't argue with that one bit. :) Regards, Nick --- þ Synchronet þ thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) .