Subj : Network messsage information missing To : Nightfox From : Accession Date : Tue Oct 20 2015 05:13 pm Ni> Yeah, I did all that, and I did get it to work with Synchronet, to an Ni> extent.. I found that I had to remove the internal code prefixes in SCFG Ni> order to get GoldEd+ to understand my message bases. For instance, in Ni> SCFG, I have Synchronet set up to prefix my Dove-Net internal codes with Ni> "DOVE_", so the "General" area, which normally has an internal code of Ni> DOVE-GEN, becomes DOVE_DOVE-GEN. GoldEd+ didn't deal with that very well - Ni> GoldEd+ would see that the "General" area should have an internal code of Ni> "DOVE-GEN", and it wasn't reading it correctly because it's actually Ni> "DOVE_DOVE-GEN" on my system. Ah yes. I remember that one too, now. Then again, how and/or why would Golded+ understand something that Synchronet does internally (prefixes are only something for Synchronet itself. When messages in those echos get exported to other systems, the prefix is dropped off of them, I believe). Either that, or the whole prefix things gets broken when msgs.cnf is read, which also wouldn't be a Golded+ problem, would it? Ni> When I posted about this last time (several months ago), I remember Ni> someone saying Synchronet added the internal code prefixes after GoldEd+ Ni> implemented its Synchronet support, so it sounded like GoldEd+ simply has Ni> limited Synchronet support. I'm not sure if there's a good way around the Ni> issue without GoldEd+ being updated. Or it's possible msgs.cnf isn't giving that information to Golded+? I'm not sure if we ever got an answer on any of that (or if we actually asked someone that would know). If we did, I don't remember. :) Regards, Nick --- þ Synchronet þ thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) .