Subj : Replaceable Peram To : DesotoFireflite From : echicken Date : Fri Oct 23 2015 04:29 pm Re: Replaceable Peram By: DesotoFireflite to All on Fri Oct 23 2015 15:16:03 De> How do you go about using the @ replaceable perameters in a js file. I De> tried to add time left to the chat module, and all it did was print De> TIMELEFT instead of putting the actual time left. Can it be done as part De> of the prompt, or am I trying to invent the wheel again. As always, They should work when outputted through console.putmsg, eg: console.putmsg("Time left: @TIMELEFT@"); --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230 þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .