Subj : Network messsage information missing To : Digital Man From : Nightfox Date : Sat Oct 24 2015 05:49 pm Subject: Network messsage information missing @MSGID: <> @REPLY: <> @TZ: c1e0 Re: Network messsage information missing By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Wed Oct 21 2015 02:02:19 >> Well, it seems that when I iterate through the header fields in >> JavaScript, I'm not seeing all the same information that Synchronet's >> built-in reader shows when I have it display the header information. >> But I suppose I'll have to investigate more to be sure. DM> All of the header fields should be available via JS. If you have an DM> example of the discrepencies, please share. It's always possible that DM> there is a bug somewhere, but we've had other JS-methods of displaying the DM> header fields (event the old runemaster/WebUI has that ability) and DM> scripts which convert them (e.g. to NNTP equivalents) and I've never DM> noticed a problem with it. If you do continue to see a problem, please let DM> me know. Thanks, I've looked into it a bit more, and I think I understand it a bit better. It looks like the field_list array in the header is meant to contain other arbitrary message header data. It looks like the 'type' property of each object in field_list is a number, and the .data property is the information for that field. Is there any documentation that lists the field types in the field_list and the numbers that they correspond to? It looks like 162 is FTN seen-by and 163 is FTN path, but I've also seen 176 for some messages, and I'm not sure what that represents, or what other types might exist. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .