Subj : Re: frame.js scrollbars To : echicken From : Accession Date : Thu Dec 10 2015 05:01 pm Hello echicken, On 09 Dec 15 22:54, echicken wrote to echicken: >> Grr, what the fuck. I must sort this out. ec> Relax, angry guy. You might have just fixed it. ec> Or maybe not. We'll see. ec> :| ec> --- ec> echicken ec> electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230 ec> þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - That's how it appears here. Looks a helluva lot better! Regards, Nick --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20151129 * Origin: thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) (723:1/701) þ Synchronet þ thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) .