Subj : Some questions To : All From : Drakmir Date : Fri Sep 23 2005 12:05 pm I've written a JavaScript shell, and I've got a few issues that I was hoping to resolve here. 1) If I change a user record, sometimes the changes don't seem to stick. By logging the user offline and then online again, everything is fine. 2) When I change the values for node action and status, they don't seem to be working correctly. An example is listed below. 3) If I was to go and change my shell in the user editor and exit, I'm still in the other shell. Users on the BBS don't have this option, but sysops do. Do I have to do something special to allow the JavaScript shell to switch to a different one? Example of #2: When entering our menu system, I set the action/status to represent that the user is in the "main menu". They run a telnet_gate door. (TWGS) Those users flash quickly with "Running Tradewars 2002" and then they revert to "Logging In". Not sure why it goes back that far (that's 2 status changes back). When they return from TWGS, their status is on Loggin In still until they change menus (at which point my action/status code runs again and puts them into "main menu") Am I missing something? All I'm doing is setting the current node's action/status numbers approrpriately. Is there a method I should be setting instead? Thanks! Alan Wood Sysop of Holodeck One --- þ Synchronet þ Holodeck One - .