Subj : Some questions To : Drakmir From : Digital Man Date : Fri Sep 23 2005 03:09 pm Re: Some questions By: Drakmir to All on Fri Sep 23 2005 12:05 pm > I've written a JavaScript shell, and I've got a few issues that I was hoping > resolve here. > > 1) If I change a user record, sometimes the changes don't seem to stick. By > logging the user offline and then online again, everything is fine. Can you give an example? > 2) When I change the values for node action and status, they don't seem to b > working correctly. An example is listed below. > > 3) If I was to go and change my shell in the user editor and exit, I'm still > the other shell. Users on the BBS don't have this option, but sysops do. D > have to do something special to allow the JavaScript shell to switch to a > different one? Yes. The shell must be changed from the default configuration menu (yes, users have access to it). > Example of #2: > When entering our menu system, I set the action/status to represent that the > user is in the "main menu". > They run a telnet_gate door. (TWGS) > Those users flash quickly with "Running Tradewars 2002" and then they revert > "Logging In". Not sure why it goes back that far (that's 2 status changes > back). > When they return from TWGS, their status is on Loggin In still until they > change menus (at which point my action/status code runs again and puts them > into "main menu") > > Am I missing something? > All I'm doing is setting the current node's action/status numbers > approrpriately. Is there a method I should be setting instead? Please post some code examples. Are you setting bbs.node_action or system.node_list[].action or what? digital man Snapple "Real Fact" #120: The only continent without native reptiles or snakes is Antarctica. .