Subj : java programmer To : tracker1 From : Nightfox Date : Tue Feb 16 2016 08:53 am > > the next is my opinion that you shouldnt run it on anything other than a > > smartphone. i certainly wouldnt run it on windows due to security risks. > Most of the security risks are in the context of a browser plugin... most > browsers no longer allow Java to run. > In the deskop context, if I can launch a Java application, I can launch any > other kind of application, there's not really an extra security leak there. Agreed.. I was wondering about that - For desktop applications, it seems to me Java is basically another programming language available. I'm not sure if there would be any extra security risk to running a desktop app just because it's written in Java. If anything, I'd think there might be less security risk because Java apps run in a VM. I'm not sure how Java apps would put your system at risk more than apps written in other languages. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .