Subj : java programmer To : Nightfox From : echicken Date : Wed Feb 17 2016 12:24 am > I've heard Java has recently improved in its security: > > There are many apps written in Java though.. Two fairly big ones are Eclipse > (an IDE) and Android Studio (an IDE specifically for Android software > development), which are both written in Java. Given the number of > Java/Android developers there are, and the number of apps/platforms that use > Java, I'm sure Oracle is motivated to fix its vulnerabilities. He's still thinking in terms of browser plug-ins - and in that context, he's not wrong. However your point about desktop applications is entirely valid. It's one thing to run a program that you made a point of installing locally, and another thing entirely to run something that your browser loaded from any old website. Not that I'm a Java fan (or detractor - I don't care one way or the other), but I suppose that people who only really know it in the context of ugly/slow browser applets and security warnings have only that to judge it on. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230 þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .