Subj : web_feed_importer.js To : Bill McGarrity From : echicken Date : Mon Jan 23 2017 06:43 pm Re: web_feed_importer.js By: Bill McGarrity to echicken on Mon Jan 23 2017 17:43:19 BM> So, I just did a test with that feed, and it imported fine for me. No errors. BM> Unknown scheme! 'undefined' BM> SyntaxError: XML tag name mismatch (expected hr) BM> SyntaxError: XML tag name mismatch (expected hr) It's possible that there was an error on the other side (at the feed provider, Uptime Robot). That 'expected hr' bit indicates that the XML parser encountered an
tag, which I wouldn't expect to see unescaped/unencoded in an RSS or Atom feed. My guess is that the parser was looking at one of their error pages (404, 500, 503, etc.), which wouldn't work too well. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230 þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .