Subj : HTMLTERM To : KK4QBN From : Nightfox Date : Sun Jul 16 2017 05:46 pm Re: HTMLTERM By: KK4QBN to Nightfox on Sun Jul 16 2017 07:35 pm KK> Sorry, was speaking of a terminal emulator that supports the html menues KK> on 3.17 KK> You are mixed up with the HTML terminal I was speaking of, not a HTTP KK> based one, a TELNET based one that served HTML text and receives commands KK> like telnet.. I think I misworded the "htmlterm" bit. KK> sbbs@kk4qbn:/sbbs/exec$ ls html* KK> html.bin html_noyes.js html_shell.js html.src html_who.js html_yesno.js KK> There should be a terminal progam in the works to support this. Ah.. I'm still not sure what "HTML menus" refers to, but I have not heard about this or looked into this. I saw a comment in the code referring to an "HTML terminal" that Deuce was working on, but I'm not sure what that is.. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .