Subj : FTN nodelist parser To : All From : Nightfox Date : Sun Aug 06 2017 07:04 pm I have been working on some JavaScript code that can parse a FTN nodelist, in the form of a function that takes a nodelist filename and returns an array containing zone objects (each zone object would have information about the zone, and include an array of nodes on the zone and an array of regions, which in turn would contain an array of nets, which in turn contains an array of nodes. Once parsed into that data structure, I'm thinking that could be used in a JavaScript script for doing things like zone, region, net, and node lookups, FTN sysop lookups, etc.. Do any other Synchronet sysops think this might be useful? I've seen other sysops occasionally ask about FTN nodelist parsing/searching for Synchronet, but it's not something that has been discussed a whole lot. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .