Subj : FTN nodelist parser To : Bill McGarrity From : Nightfox Date : Fri Aug 11 2017 09:10 am Re: FTN nodelist parser By: Bill McGarrity to Nightfox on Fri Aug 11 2017 09:24 am BM> OK... do you have multiple nodelists? I edited the mail-prompt.js as per BM> the readme file but only showing the zones 1-4 from the fido. BM> This is what I have... BM> var nodelistPaths = [ BM> "c:/fd/nodelist/nodelist.*", BM> "c:/fd/nodelist/sportnet.*", BM> "c:/fd/nodelist/league10.*", BM> "c:/fd/nodelist/agoranet.*", BM> "c:/fd/nodelist/whispnet.*", BM> "c:/fd/nodelist/TQMRadio.*", BM> "c:/fd/nodelist/micronet.*", BM> "c:/fd/nodelist/RWNLIST.*" BM> ]; BM> Is there another way? Should this all be on one line? That looks fine to me.. That's how I've specified my nodelists, and it seems to be working for me. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .