Subj : Closed polls have no vote information To : Digital Man From : Nightfox Date : Sat Aug 19 2017 09:38 am Re: Closed polls have no vote information By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Fri Aug 18 2017 09:49 pm DM> I think the problem was that there was no easy method for your to properly DM> close a poll via JS. You don't close a poll by modifying the poll (this DM> would not send a closure message out to the network,f or example) - DM> instead, a poll closure is actually a new message which propagates through DM> the network and marks the (existing) poll as closed. DM> I just committed a change which adds a MsgBase.close_poll() method. Try DM> using that to close a poll and it should work as intended. That seems to work as expected. I have updated SlyVote for multi-answer polls, and it seems to be working properly. I've tested to make sure SlyVote is saving poll responses properly (by viewing them in the stock reader) and that SlyVote is displaying polls with their responses properly (after voting with the stock reader). You should be able to use the latest SlyVote.js and DDLightbarMenu.js that I've committed to CVS. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .