Subj : Javascript TW2 To : Dumas Walker From : Al Date : Sat Dec 30 2017 01:49 pm Re: Javascript TW2 By: Dumas Walker to ALL on Sat Dec 30 2017 11:05 am DW> I am attempting to get the JS version of TW2 up and running with DW> Synchronet. Using the directions in the SYSOP.TXT file, I run the DW> following command: DW> /sbbs/exec/jsexec /sbbs/xtrn/tw2/twint500.js I added a section to ctrl/json-service.ini with.. [tw2] dir=../xtrn/tw2/ and that seems to have gotten me past this.. Ttyl :-), Al .... My opinions are my own; mistakes are the computer's fault. --- þ Synchronet þ The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada - .