Subj : Javascript TW2 To : ECHICKEN From : Dumas Walker Date : Sun Dec 31 2017 06:59 pm >If I recall correctly, some breaking changes were made to the UIFC API for >javascript a few years ago. Sounds like this script is a victim of that, and >it will need to be fixed. Probably not much a user (sysop) can do to work >around it, unless the game offers some kind of non-interactive setup process. That would be nice. I much rather prefer editing an INI or CFG file over having a script or program build it for me. If it came with an example of either, I don't see them. --- þ SLMR 2.1a þ Tongue-tied & twisted, just an Earth-bound misfit, I! þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * 1-502-875-8938 .