Subj : Javascript TW2 To : Accession From : Digital Man Date : Mon Jan 01 2018 11:42 pm Re: Javascript TW2 By: Accession to Dumas Walker on Mon Jan 01 2018 07:26 pm > Hello Dumas, > > On Mon Jan 01 2018 17:44:00, Dumas Walker wrote to ACCESSION: > > DW> When I am looking at: > > DW> > > DW> The Updating section shows symlinks on the make lines, on Step 4 parts > DW> 1 and 2. > > DW> Maybe we are looking at different pages? :D > > Nope. Same page. That must have been something added recently, as I've never > seen or used "symlinks" on those lines before. Yes, pretty new: > The only time I use SYMLINK=1 is when compiling for the first time, or > changing > between a RELEASE build and a DEBUG build, which I also haven't done for > quite some time, so I haven't needed to redo symlinks in a long time. Once > they're created for the first time, they don't go away unless you delete > them. ;) Right, but when people switch between release and debug builds or copies and symlinks, those new targets can come in handy. digital man Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #18: DSZ = DOS Send ZMODEM (by Chuck Forsberg) Norco, CA WX: 55.9øF, 72.0% humidity, 0 mph S wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs .