Subj : Javascript TW2 To : Al From : Accession Date : Tue Jan 02 2018 08:24 am Hello Al, On Mon Jan 01 2018 21:39:20, Al wrote to Accession: Ac>> Nope. Same page. That must have been something added recently, as Ac>> I've never seen or used "symlinks" on those lines before. Al> I think it has been. I recently updated the BBS and I used symlinks on Al> the command line as the wiki said and everything went smoothly here.. I recently (within the past week) went about installing/compiling new on new hardware using SYMLINK=1 in my make line and migrating over all my configuration and customizations. This also worked. However, after doing that I've upgraded a couple times now since (for new sbbslist.js updates) and didn't need any reference to symlinks on those lines. Al> Happy New Year, BTW.. :) And same to you! Starting off the year below 0F with windchills that make you feel like your fingers and face are going to burn off. It's lovely! ;( Regards, Nick .... "Не знаю. Я здесь только работаю." --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1) Synchronet thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) .