Subj : RSS info To : All From : Finnigann Date : Sat Oct 29 2005 10:10 am Has the DOCs for RSS implimentation be created yet? DM suggested I look back thru the message base to find out what I need and this didn't yeild much. He has it set up on his system as I donwloaded (recieved) about 9 messages the first request I sent. Since then, nothing has come thru. I set up my newsreader (Opera) to fetch every three hours. But I would like to try to set this up on the Bits-N-Bytes BBS. DM suggested I should have ctrl/rss.ini installed and provided an example. I copied his for mine - knowing it would fail and hopefully provide some details on how to fix it. In the other places that have RSS feeds a link is provided. That link when installed into a rssreader scans the source for NEW messages. [Stop me where I error] The firs (in []) is the name of the RSS channel. The "sub" value is the internal code of the sub-board. > [syncanno] > sub=syncanno > title=Synchronet > image_link= Since I don't yet have the sub syncanno, this would be the first error. (I fail to devern any significance in his sub title, so I will create one using something different > [syncanno] <--- Is this critical? > sub=syncanno <-- I can alter this one I think > title=Synchronet <-- This one too...? > image_link= <-- just have to wait and see what this will produce. I guess anywhere I want to create the SUB will be fine(??) OK... I just made a NEW message group for the occasion. RSS of course and the sole sub is of course RSS. I need to make a test message of some sort. OK short test message in place... Now what? Try to scan the feed again. Opps forgot the RSS.INI file.. It now reads: [syncanno] <-- Still dunno what significance this holds sub=RSS title=BNB news and Views image_link= Well that's what I figured out on my own. It didn't produce any messages in any logs I can find. Although loging is mentioned I cannot infer it's location. And that's as far as MY javascript understanding takes me. You can only call me a dumbass IF you can help fix this. ..................................................... .........2x2l.calling.CQ...2x2l.Calling.CQ........... ..................................................... ..................................................... .............Is.there.anyone.out.there............... ..................................................... ..................................................... .... By God, for a moment there it all made sense! --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.46 þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes BBS One Hellofa BBS telnet:// .