Subj : SBBSLIST v4 error To : Digital Man From : Bill McGarrity Date : Wed Jan 31 2018 01:06 pm -=> Digital Man wrote to Bill McGarrity on 01-30-18 16:43 <=- DM> Re: SBBSLIST v4 error DM> By: Bill McGarrity to All on Tue Jan 30 2018 10:25 am > Hiya gang... > > Just updated my Pi with all the latest and greatest (v3.17a). While updating > I saw LOTS of DNDEBUG statements which I am assuming is not an issue. In my > bash at the end when it updates, I run jsexec update.js and get the > following... > > Installing SBBSLIST v4 (replacing SBl v3) > Synchronet BBS List v4(1.34) > Upgrading from: ../xtrn/sbl/sbl.dab > !@Error 2 opening ../xtrn/sbl/sbl.dab > > Now at this point in time I only use the Pi's for SBBSECHO and am assuming > being I haven't run ./sbbs none of the files needed for the upgrade have > been created. DM> You can safely ignore that. It just means you (or anyone) never ran the DM> SBL door on that system, which probably isn't that uncommon. I'll fix DM> that error in the upgrade process. Great... figured that. :) Should I run the SBL door using JSEXEC so it can create one? > Am I correct in assuming this? > > Also, in the future I want to run ./sbbs I should do a fresh install? DM> Not unless you want to for some specific reason. A fresh install DM> shouldn't be necessary. OK... Right now I don't have plans to do it but one never knows.. :) Thanks Rob!! -- Bill Telnet: Web: FTP: IRC: Ports: 6661-6670 SSL: +6697 Radio: .... Look Twice... Save a Life!!! Motorcycles are Everywhere!!! --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50 þ Synchronet þ TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ .