Subj : Door Scores... To : maskreet From : Android8675 Date : Thu Apr 12 2018 08:15 am Re: Door Scores... By: echicken to Android8675 on Wed Apr 11 2018 11:05 pm An>> Serve up the raw .ans! ;) ec> I'm sure that could be arranged. We can bug maskreet about it; the .ans ec> files are probably already being copied to his webserver so that they can ec> be put through ansilove (I'm assuming that's what he's using). I love that ansilove.js. I want to use it with the web, just figuring out how I want it to look. eC, your ansiview, does it have a webpage for ecwebv4? -- Android8675@ShodansCore .... To know the world one must construct it. --- þ Synchronet þ Shodan's Core @ .