Subj : RSS info To : Toolman From : Digital Man Date : Tue Nov 01 2005 01:46 pm Re: RSS info By: Toolman to Digital Man on Mon Oct 31 2005 07:58 pm > Re: RSS info > By: Digital Man to Finnigann on Mon Oct 31 2005 11:59 am > > > Re: RSS info > > By: Finnigann to All on Sat Oct 29 2005 10:10 am > > > > > Has the DOCs for RSS implimentation be created yet? > > > > > > DM suggested I look back thru the message base to find out what I need > > > and this didn't yeild much. > > > > > > He has it set up on his system as I donwloaded (recieved) about 9 > > > messages the first request I sent. Since then, nothing has come thru. > > > set up my newsreader (Opera) to fetch every three hours. > > > > > > But I would like to try to set this up on the Bits-N-Bytes BBS. > > > > > > DM suggested I should have ctrl/rss.ini installed and provided an > > > example. I copied his for mine - knowing it would fail and hopefully > > > provide some details on how to fix it. > > > > > > In the other places that have RSS feeds a link is provided. That link > > > when installed into a rssreader scans the source for NEW messages. > > > > > > [Stop me where I error] > > > > > > The firs (in []) is the name of the RSS channel. The "sub" value is th > > > internal code of the sub-board. > > > > > > > [syncanno] > > > > sub=syncanno > > > > title=Synchronet > > > > image_link= > > > > > > Since I don't yet have the sub syncanno, this would be the first error > > > (I fail to devern any significance in his sub title, so I will create > > > one using something different > > > > > > > [syncanno] <--- Is this critical? > > > > It's the name of your RSS channel. Change it to something else. > > > > > > sub=syncanno <-- I can alter this one I think > > > > Yes. It must be the internal code of the sub-board you're exposing via RS > > > > > > title=Synchronet <-- This one too...? > > > > Of course. > > > > > > image_link= <-- just have to wait and se > > > what this will produc > > > > > > > > > I guess anywhere I want to create the SUB will be fine(??) > > > > Huh? > > > > > OK... I just made a NEW message group for the occasion. RSS of course > > > and the sole sub is of course RSS. > > > > > > I need to make a test message of some sort. > > > > > > OK short test message in place... > > > > > > Now what? Try to scan the feed again. > > > > > > Opps forgot the RSS.INI file.. > > > > > > It now reads: > > > [syncanno] <-- Still dunno what significance this holds > > > sub=RSS > > > title=BNB news and Views > > > image_link= > > > > > > > > > Well that's what I figured out on my own. It didn't produce any messag > > > in any logs I can find. Although loging is mentioned I cannot infer it > > > location. > > > > The RSS log output goes into the web server window. > I config the Rss.ini and when I do to URL\rss.s > It want to download a file called rss.ssjs and my system that I am calling f > calles this a unknown file. Are you trying to use a web browser or an RSS reader? If you're using an RSS reader, then the correct URL would be something like (obviously, replace "yourchannel" with the name of you rss channel from your rss.ini file). > I reanmed the file from rss.ssjs to rss.html I get a file of text and the te > is all together no formating of the information in side. Don't do that or it definitely won't work. > What am I missing or doing wrong? Not using an RSS reader? Renaming the file. digital man Snapple "Real Fact" #77: No piece of paper can be folded more than 7 times. .