Subj : Re: Remote sysop paging dev questions To : Vk3jed From : Razor Date : Mon May 14 2018 08:58 pm Re: Re: Remote sysop paging dev questions By: Vk3jed to Razor on Sun May 13 2018 06:53 pm Vk> Remote sysop paging would be nice, but I also need remote chat, because my Vk> boards run headless. I'm guessing that means a dedicated app. Paging is Vk> useless to me without chat as well. I'm not sure a decent solution exists for remote chat with your preferences. I have a couple questions about this. 1. What OS & version is your board running on? 2. What OS & version are you sitting in front of? 3. It sounds like you're hoping for remote chat that works automatically with 1-2 clicks? --- þ Synchronet þ The Silent Strike - .