Subj : Re: RSS info To : Toolman From : Finnigann Date : Tue Nov 01 2005 06:07 pm -=> Toolman wrote to Digital Man <=- To> Re: RSS info To> By: Digital Man to Finnigann on Mon Oct 31 2005 11:59 am > Re: RSS info > By: Finnigann to All on Sat Oct 29 2005 10:10 am To> I config the Rss.ini and when I do to URL To>\rss.ssjs It want to download a file called To> rss.ssjs and my system that I am calling from calles this a unknown To> file. To> I reanmed the file from rss.ssjs to rss.html I get a file of text and To> the text is all together no formating of the information in side. To> What am I missing or doing wrong? Try this link It works for Vert. I just can't figure out the signifigance of 'syncanno' ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ³ Sure kick the president while he's planning ³ his next vacation, typical! .... Line noise? What in fh=.worLd is.LinS nfise? --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.46 þ Synchronet þ Bits-N-Bytes BBS One Hellofa BBS telnet:// .