Subj : Re: Remote sysop paging dev questions To : Ragnarok From : echicken Date : Fri Sep 07 2018 07:24 pm Re: Re: Remote sysop paging dev questions By: Ragnarok to Razor on Fri Sep 07 2018 19:21:28 Ra> i search for javascript xmmp libraries but all are implement for web Ra> browsers. I can not find one for use in sync js engine. With some exceptions (implementations of algorithms, etc.) it's hard to find existing JS libraries that are *easily* adapted for use with Synchronet. The more complex it gets, the more you're cannibalizing a few functions and rewriting socket, fs, etc. stuff for this environment. XMPP being what it is, you'd either need to find a library that uses E4X (the XML parser/handler available to us) or bring in a new XML parser. Not sure how many people are using XMPP these days (could be lots for all I know). I killed my Jabber server at work a couple of years ago in favour of other chat tools, so I no longer have an XMPP client running all the time. I do my paging/sysop chat over IRC since I do have a client open for that. Ra> my idea es very simple Ra> when the user login to the bbs. run the "jabber sysop client magic Ra> module" and it can call to sysop. the door connecct to the "python Ra> daemon" and send message to sysop link Ra> "Pirulo is paging you" If the intent is only to page via XMPP there may be simpler ways to do it than implementing the whole protocol: 1) A JS module that does just enough XMPP to connect to a server, authenticate, and send a message 2) Use an XMPP server that offers some hooks for external messages (has a web API or something that clients can send messages through) 3) Run an XMPP bot external to your BBS, but build something into it that a script from your BBS can communicate with (some simple socket service, a web API, whatever); there are plenty of bot libraries kicking around Options 2 & 3 are probably easiest overall, option 3 being the most likely. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230 þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .