Subj : Re: web To : Mortifis From : echicken Date : Fri Feb 15 2019 08:59 am Re: Re: web By: Mortifis to Digital Man on Tue Feb 12 2019 21:55:47 Mo> Hmmm ... interesting ... I still could get it to accept 'sub' so I changed Mo> it to Mo> if(msg_area.grp_list.sub_list_code != 'mail'... seems to be working now That probably only incidentally solves the problem because msg_area.grp_list.sub_list_code is undefined and never equals 'mail'. That leftnav_html.ssjs script is meant to be included by other scripts, and those other scripts are expected to have defined a variable named 'sub' ahead of time. You could set 'sub' the code of the sub the user is currently browsing (if that applies), or you could set 'sub' to null or '' or something like that. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - - 416-425-5435 þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .