Subj : YesNo Bar issues... To : Digital Man From : Android8675 Date : Mon Sep 23 2019 09:01 pm Re: YesNo Bar issues... By: Digital Man to Android8675 on Mon Sep 23 2019 03:29 pm > I'm not clear: why do you think that if you build the latest code with the > same tools and libs that I'm using, that it would behave any differently? > Yeah, I know, that didn't read too clear after I posted it, sorry. So I >don't< think that if I build the latest code with the same tools that it'll behave differently. What I didn't know was that building the code and just using the nightly build would yeild the same results. I'm not (as if you couldn't tell) too savy at "coding". Don't know if this makes it less clear or not.. I wanted to get the compiler working, because... "why not, it's fun to watch!" I love flipping through source and trying to figure out how X thing happens. Honestly just trying to update, don't care how it happens, but right now it's not working. Don't know if it's Synchronet or my WinXP VM. Worse case scenario I could post a youtube video of whats happening. Maybe I'm just not explaining it correctly. .