Subj : Variables declared in required libraries To : Nightfox From : Digital Man Date : Wed Sep 25 2019 02:25 pm Re: Variables declared in required libraries By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Wed Sep 25 2019 01:37 pm > Hi DM, > > For SlyEdit, there are some global variables I define in one of the > required()'d scripts (i.e., in SlyEdit_Misc.js) that are used in SlyEdit.js, > and it has always worked fine. > > Today I updated my Synchronet binaries to the latest (September 25th) built > binaries (for Windows), and also updated my JavaScript scripts from CVS. > Then I noticed that when I try to run SlyEdit, it shows one of the variables > is not defined - it's one of the variables defined in SlyEdit_Misc.js. For > SlyEdit.js line 150, I get an error saying gUserSettingsFilename is not > defined. gUserSettingsFilename is declared in SlyEdit_Misc.js as follows: > > var gUserSettingsFilename = backslash(system.data_dir + "user") + > format("%04d", user.number) + ".SlyEdit_Settings"; > > I thought it might be my Synchronet binaries, so I reverted back to my > previous binaries (from September 7th), but I'm having the same problem. > > If I copy the declaration of gUserSettingsFilename into SlyEdit.js, I then > see a similar error that something else (a function declared in > SlyEdit_Misc.js) isn't defined in SlyEdit.js > > SlyEdit was working fine before I updated my binaries & .js files. I > temporarily switched to another editor so I could type this message. Do you > know what might have changed that may have caused this? I moved some KEY_* defines from sbbsdefs.js to a new file: load/key_defs.js and in there added some CTRL_* key definitions that are commonly used (CTRL_A - CTRL_Z). I'm guessing that one of your require() statements is checking for a symbol that's now defined by sbbsdefs.js->key_defs.js, so your load-lib isn't being loaded. Changing the symbol being checked for in the require() call should fix that. digital man This Is Spinal Tap quote #18: Sustain, listen to it. Don't hear anything. You would though were it playing. Norco, CA WX: 85.6øF, 46.0% humidity, 9 mph ENE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs .