Subj : Re: template/javascript v To : Digital Man From : Ragnarok Date : Tue Nov 29 2005 02:47 am ok seems to found the mistake here i was think that the message id is a number. > The ID of a message is a string. > "idx" usually refers to the message's index record (an object). idx are from hdr.number (hdr = msgbase.get_msg_header()) > You're calling get_msg_header() with "by_offset" set to "true" and passing i want to pass a message number (is hdr.number correct?) i want to identify the message in my 2d stage to pass to the 3th stage i want to search by the number (i think) > either an index record or a string (I can't tell). Either way, it's > incorrect. > > > if i print idx it contain the number correctly. > > If idx is a number, then it's not the message ID. its true, the idx is a number. > > > if i force the value to var idx to some value its work. > > What's "idx" stand for? > > digital man > > Snapple "Real Fact" #49: > Despite its hump...camel's have a straight spine. > --- > þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet:// --- þ Synchronet þ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - .