Subj : vs bbs.menu_exists To : Digital Man From : nolageek Date : Tue Jan 14 2020 09:44 am Re: vs bbs.menu_exists By: Digital Man to nolageek on Mon Jan 13 2020 02:26 pm DM> bbs.menu_exists() with a sub-directory specified should work fine. See DM> xtrn_sec.js as an example which check for the existence (and displays) DM> text/menu/xtrn/*.*. I can't figure out why this code doesn't work then: function mystMenu(file) { // check for 'file' in current command shell menu dir and if not found use // 'mystique' menu directory if (bbs.menu_exists(user.command_shell + '/' + file)) { + '/' + file); } else {'mystique/' + file); } } If I then use mystMenu('mainmenu'); in my shell, it always shows the menu from the mystique directoy - even though they exist in both. I've tried combinations of testing for !bbs.menu_exists, etc.. it always comes back showing the mystique one. If I take the bbs.menu_exists test out, it works. I've been using this for the last couple of years, which works but I want to clean it up a bit cause it's a bit messy: function mystMenu(file) { var ansiDir = system.text_dir + 'menu/' + user.command_shell + '/'; if (!file_exists(ansiDir + file + '.ans') && !file_exists(ansiDir + file + '.asc')) var ansiDir = system.text_dir + 'menu/mystique/'; + file); } Thanks for your assistance, as always! --- þ Synchronet þ Capitol Shrill BBS - Washington, DC - .