Subj : JS Commission? To : All From : Android8675 Date : Thu May 28 2020 08:07 am Looking for some help. I was about to tear into existing .js doors to see if I could figure it all out on my own, but maybe someone here might be able to make it easier for me. So I enjoy interactive fiction, a "bit", but finding a decent interpreter has been a pain in Windows because for some reason a lot of programs like Frotz for DOS/Windows just do not output simple text for BBSs, OR they allow saving anywhere which... that's just no good. So I found an old Waffle BBS door that did the trick (allowed saves for each user, output plain text, and even made a top 10 scores list), but now I've jumped over to Linux and dfrotz is working in a few test scenarios, but I'd like to have a small frontend that lets the user specify a couple parameters. So I'm hoping to have a .js door that: -takes a story datafile as a parameter -asks the user a question which specifies color choices to pass to dfrotz -makes a save folder for the user based on their username-# if it does not exist. +and calls dfrotz and exits after. Any help is appreciated from "Look at this link, you can do it..." type encouragement all the way up to a chunk of .js that I can drop in, modify as needed, test, deploy, etc. Credit given where credit is due. I could even float compensation your way if needed. As always, thanks in advance... -A. -- Android8675@ShodansCore --- þ Synchronet þ Shodan's Core @ .