Subj : Am not! To : DOVE-Net.Programming_(Jav From : Mindless Automaton Date : Wed Jan 18 2006 09:50 am In, you have this line: @@JS:if(!template.node_list.length || http_request.virtual_path=="/nodelist.ssjs")'';@@ >From my understanding, if no one is online or nodelist.ssjs is requested, the Currently Online code is commented out. So if I do this after: @@JS:if(!http_request.virtual_path=="/nodelist.ssjs")'';@@ I am saying if the request is NOT for nodelist.ssjs, the Info to display code should be commented out, correct? The objective is thus: When you first connect to the website, you have the currently online list in leftnav.ssjs If you go to nodelist.ssjs, I want to display some text where currently online was. Any ideas as to my bungle? Thanks, Mindless Automaton --- þ Synchronet .