Subj : Grabbing results from a webpage To : The Lizard Master From : echicken Date : Thu Jul 23 2020 09:14 am Re: Grabbing results from a webpage By: The Lizard Master to All on Thu Jul 23 2020 00:49:29 TL> I'm throwing around an idea that I grab results from a webserver and display them on screen. As in, TL> I control the webcode too and can pass back simple text. I tried looking up some javascript to do TL> this but kept running into issues, especially since 99% of people aren't trying to pass back to a TL> BBS, and then thought to try here. TL> Not anything too fancy, I just want to grab text results and display them on the screen. What would TL> be the most direct route to do this? load('http.js'); var req = new HTTPRequest(); var res = req.Get(''); console.putmsg(res); --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .