Subj : Re: Am not! To : RuneMaster From : Jas Hud Date : Sat Feb 11 2006 05:55 pm Re: Re: Am not! By: RuneMaster to Jas Hud on Sat Feb 11 2006 06:23 pm > Nope. He works on Third Party stuff. I help him out. What goes on there d > not in any way have anything to do with Synchronet Development. I offer a t > system and a completely seperate CVS for *anyone* interested in poking aroun > with some new ideas. > well,i know kelso. i know people that know kelso. yes, the guy has a lot of time on his hands, because he is 27 yrs old and hasnt worked for years, but i think most of us would rather do without his contributions. the guy's mentally unstable and delusional. that is no exaggeration or joke. .Ä.Ú Â Â ÂÂ.Ä. ÂÚ¿ -³ ³Ã¿³ ³³ ³³³ ³³ ³À¿- `Ä'ÀÙÁÙÁ`\/'Á`Ä'À-ÙÀÙ edge of oblivion bbs þ þ NUV Angus is a big fat dog kisser .