Subj : Re: Am not! To : Jas Hud From : Time Warrior Date : Sat Feb 11 2006 10:54 pm > Re: Re: Am not! > By: RuneMaster to Jas Hud on Sat Feb 11 2006 06:23 pm > > > Nope. He works on Third Party stuff. I help him out. What goes on there > d > > not in any way have anything to do with Synchronet Development. I offer a > t > > system and a completely seperate CVS for *anyone* interested in poking > aroun > > with some new ideas. > > > > well,i know kelso. i know people that know kelso. > > yes, the guy has a lot of time on his hands, because he is 27 yrs old and > hasnt > worked for years, but i think most of us would rather do without his > contributions. You don't know me and the people you claim to know do not know me either. Only people who have gotten to know me on a more "personal level" beyond a few message exchanges / phone calls even come close to truly knowing me. What you think you know and what is true is two different things, but I prefer it this way. Please keep thinking you know all the facts. It makes things easier for me, oddly enough. As for Synchweb (or Syncweb, for those who prefer that spelling) you yourself have complimented me on my skill with the web interface so i'm not sure why this surprises you as per your "Why is Kelso your co-developer?" statement. Also for the record -- I started this project and RM is not only a really cool guy as a person but also a very knowledgable developer. I'd be a fool to not have asked for his assistance. Only speak for yourself and if you'd rather do work without my contributions, then no one is stopping you nor anyone else who may feel that way. In fact -- I think you should directly compete with me and start your own third party Dev Project. God knows the scene could use the motivation -- and you are a very skilled programmer and developer yourself. -- .---------------------------------------------------------------. | [TiME WaRRiOR] aka [Dave Kelso] AIM: Twar782 | +o Malkavia BBS | | www : - - | | www$: - | | @: time.warrior@malkaviabbs. com | \______________________________________________________________/ --- þ Synchronet þ SyncDev - .