Subj : Re: Am not! To : RuneMaster From : Time Warrior Date : Sun Feb 12 2006 04:43 am > > yeah, i heard that [insert vulger comment here] Timewarrior is your > > co-developer on 'SyncWeb'. > > Nope. He works on Third Party stuff. I help him out. What goes on there > does > not in any way have anything to do with Synchronet Development. I offer a > test > system and a completely seperate CVS for *anyone* interested in poking around > with some new ideas. Yes, and I thank you for your assistance. It is very much appreciated. > > However, there have been a couple decent ideas to come out of the noise that > is > generated and I take those ideas if they seem fit for official development. > This is quite true -- however I have also inspired your muse for you to pull some new and interesting things out of your own arse as well, so I can't take FULL credit for the new implimentations. I suggested a profile system and what it needs to do, but you designed it. I suggested multi-domain default theme support, but you desiged it. The list goes on. I am more of an idea guy and someone who is good with cosmetics. I admittedly can not code my way out of a paper bag. > While I cannot say that dealing with him has not been without some > frustration, > he has not given me cause to [insert vulgar comment here] Well hey, your not exactly Mary Poppins either. :-) We do thrash eachother a bit but it does get results. We've accomplished alot by bouncing ideas around (as well as bouncing eachother around ) .. i've enjoyed our voice / chat / email / forum colaberations on this -- as has Ayr30n Kn1ght. He too looks forward to working with us more on this in the near future. You also have not given me cause to [insert vulgar comment here] but inserting vulgar comments when it's not absolutely nessesary would be tactless, now wouldn't it? :-) > > And he has had some intersting ideas. As have you. > Anyone is welcome to post suggestions, bug reports, feature requests, etc at > the development server: > > > > I also hang out on #SyncDev on IRC as well as #Sunchronet > > I appreciate your concerns, but trust me, if thing get too frustrating, I will > allow you the please of those comments :) Yes -- and that would be to post suggestions, bug reports, feature requests, etc... not for attempting to start a pissing contest with me :-) -- .---------------------------------------------------------------. | [TiME WaRRiOR] aka [Dave Kelso] AIM: Twar782 | +o Malkavia BBS | | www : - - | | www$: - | | @: time.warrior@malkaviabbs. com | \______________________________________________________________/ --- þ Synchronet þ SyncDev - .