Subj : Re: newb .JS To : Fang-Castro From : Tracker1 Date : Sun Oct 18 2020 04:37 pm On 10/14/2020 4:36 PM, Fang-Castro wrote: > What level of Javascript/programming experience would you say this is... > > I would like to get to the point of using .JS to make SynchronetBBS mods. One of the things I'd like to do is send info to websites and get the text results. > > i.e. JS program sends text to and results are gathered to display in an ascii/ANSI screen. (this is just the simplest example i could think of) > > I know nothing about programming. I have modified a few old SBBS mods to get them working since they were over 10 years old and it's very easy to change how they look. If/then statements are pretty easy to handle so far. > > Would you think this is something I could achieve soon or is this just wishful thinking? If you're able to modify existing examples, it wouldn't likely take too much effort. You'd need to grab the results of your web request and then probabl use regular expressions for matching patterns in the resulting text then further matching to get the information you are looking for. It's worth noting, that what/where you are requestion can change their structure/format at any time. Alternatively, If you wanted something closer to an in-browser like experience, you could use Node.js with node-fetch and cheerio (jQuery-like interface over html/xml result) to translate to JSON and then have synchronet load/format that JSON result. -- Michael J. Ryan tracker1 +o Roughneck BBS --- þ Synchronet þ Roughneck BBS - coming back 2/2/20 .