Subj : Changing text string 621 - New scan message areas To : Digital Man From : nolageek Date : Wed May 19 2021 11:11 pm Re: Changing text string 621 - New scan message areas By: Digital Man to nolageek on Wed May 19 2021 12:58 pm >> I'm trying to change the text for text.dat string 621, the one that's >> used to ask if you'd like to search the current Group, Sub-board, or DM> Do you have SCFG->System->Loadable Modules->Scan Subs set to something? If DM> so, that something is what's displaying that prompt. Otherwise, I'd expect DM> the text.dat string replacment to take effect. -- I do indeed - DDScanSubs. Looking through DDMessageReader I see where Nightfox has specfied the text strings there instead of using them from text.dat |01-|03nolageek --- þ Synchronet þ Capitol Shrill BBS - Washington, DC - .