Subj : credits To : All From : Sys64738 Date : Tue Nov 30 2021 11:57 pm A friend is asking me to help him set up a BBS for his business. Particularly, he's wanting to utilize Syncronet to keep up with his customer's tabs. He runs a small bar with a membership fee for some upper-crust types. Anyway, I told him about the "Credit Transfer Bank" door ( because he wanted to allow his members to be able to help each other out with their tabs if they were in a pinch. Also, I told him about "DTELLER" ( and "DSHOPPER" ( because he'd like to be able to allow his customers to buy credits using ABA routing and account numbers, or credit/debit cards. I'm not new to programming. I've been doing it since the mid-80's. However, my skills are rather dated, and I'm definitely green to Javascript and Baja. Eventually, he'd like to add a web interface, but that's further down the road and not an immediate desire. He'll make do with making BBS accounts for his members and showing them how to use it on their phones using a term app. So, I'm reaching out for help. Anyone interested? Digital Man: You can probably guess this is why I kept asking about CTB and whatnot a while SYS64738 --- þ Synchronet þ TEXNet .