Subj : credits To : Sys64738 From : echicken Date : Wed Dec 01 2021 03:13 pm Re: credits By: Sys64738 to All on Tue Nov 30 2021 23:57:19 Sy> A friend is asking me to help him set up a BBS for his business. Sy> Particularly, he's wanting to utilize Syncronet to keep up with his Sy> customer's tabs. He runs a small bar with a membership fee for some Sy> upper-crust types. There's an entire market of point-of-sale software out there, surely with several options that meet your friend's needs. Using Synchronet for this is a strange approach. At best, it would serve as a "platform" providing a few network services, user accounts, and a scripting engine. Just about everything else would be a custom job. Sy> because he'd like to be able to allow his customers to buy credits using Sy> ABA routing and account numbers, or credit/debit cards. I won't lie to you, it's technically possible, but most likely there'd be a lot of dev work involved. Security of customer data would be a real concern. Sy> road and not an immediate desire. He'll make do with making BBS accounts Sy> for his members and showing them how to use it on their phones using a Sy> term app. Using a terminal on a modern phone is miserable. I say that as a dedicated textmode user who would dearly love for it to be otherwise. I'm skeptical that your friend's customers would find it tolerable. Sy> Eventually, he'd like to add a web interface, but that's further down the Maybe there's something about your friend's customer base which makes this an attractive option, but that seems unlikely. These days, users of the sort of system you're talking about would want a proper mobile app. Failing that, a good web application would do. Sy> So, I'm reaching out for help. Anyone interested? I *could* do it, but I don't think my conscience would allow it. Or that I have the time. Or that I want the liability. Or that your friend would want to pay the bill. And if I get hit by a bus, you're left with this weird Frankenstein's monster of a BBS integration and nobody to support it. It's a wild idea and fun to talk about, but I'd really recommend looking at a proper modern solution. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - --- þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .