Subj : Javascript for dummies like me To : Sys64738 From : echicken Date : Sat Dec 11 2021 05:28 am Re: Javascript for dummies like me By: Sys64738 to echicken on Fri Dec 10 2021 22:35:56 Sy> Yep, I'm old. Not to the point where I scram at kids to get off my lawn or I'm 40 now and trying to keep up with a 2 year old kid. I feel old enough. Sy> anything. However, I do cringe every time I hear "programming" termed as Sy> "coding". blech! Yeah, there's no 'programming' any more, old timer. There are developers and coders and coders who develop and developers who code and probably a bunch of other things I'm not hip enough to know about. Exposure therapy is the only thing that really works. Slang comes and goes; you can ignore it or resist it up to a certain point, but language will drift. I am often quite annoyed by stuff like this (eg. referring to the # symbol itself as 'hashtag'), but I eventually get used to it. I just unclench my cringe muscles and move on as many times as it takes until that happens. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - --- þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .