Subj : FileBase - Add to batch downloads? To : Digital Man From : Nightfox Date : Wed Jan 26 2022 03:37 pm Re: FileBase - Add to batch downloads? By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Wed Jan 26 2022 01:59 pm DM> No, there isn't a per-base "add to batch download queue" method (yes, I DM> could add one pretty easily). However, the batch lists are now just .ini DM> files (for details, see DM>, so adding/removing DM> files to the queue from a JS module should be pretty trivial. I'm pretty DM> sure you know the File class has methods for dealing with .ini files. It looks like the bbs.batch_add_list() function (which has been around since version 3.10) is able to add files to the user's batch download list, and it seems the file format it expects is just one filename per line. Are you recommending to no longer use bbs.batch_add_list() but to write an ini file instead? Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .